The Entre-Prise Trophy is awarded to an individual within the club whose sport climbing performance has improved rapidly through consistent effort, commitment and hard work. Prospective candidates can be individuals who attend the many club-run indoor climbing wall sessions or those that compete in the various climbing competitions we take part in!
An annual award, nominations have been received, discussed, and a winner picked by the Committee, so we are very happy to announce that this year’s Entre-Prises Trophy is AB Alice Nimmo RN!
Alice’s first contact with the RNRMMC was in March 2019. She was immediately keen to get involved with all aspects of RNRMMC life, from competing in sport competitions to attending weekend club meets. Eager to learn and keen to train, she committed herself to bouldering and rapidly progressed from being a complete novice to sitting within the top 20% of women across the 3 Services.
Whilst doubtlessly naturally talented, this rapid improvement can largely be put down to consistent effort. Alice has made training for climbing and broader physical fitness a key part of her daily life. She has sought appropriate advice from the RN & RM team coach, the HMS Sultan Club and her peers and she has made every effort to boulder as frequently as possible, despite being in her first year of RN life and engaged in a busy medical centre job at HMS Sultan.
When lockdown hit: Alice, distraught at the thought of a life without tiny shoes and sore fingers, enlisted the help of an ‘enterprising’ club member to (temporarily) vandalise the HMS Sultan footbridge with the addition of a fingerboard rung, to allow her to train. Marvellous.
Alice has made the effort to attend the AFBL, managing to get to 4 of the 5 rounds in the 19/20 season. She is usually one of the first through the door and one of the last to leave, always offering to help out with the competition admin. A woman of few words, she is well known by her tri-service peers for her brusque but friendly northern charm whilst competing.
Alice finished 11th of 54 Female competitors in her first season and took 2nd place at the RN & RM Bouldering Champs.